Do you operate somewhere along the metal working supply chain? Do you want to remain relevant in your market and on an international scope? There’s no faster way to achieve this than going on a business trip and meeting with your peers, partners, clients and competitors! There’s no more effective tool than a personal presence in a respected exhibition, trade fair or trade show to help you earn a better reputation and lead to more business coming your way.
Trust us! Trade Fair Trips ltd has seen many companies prosper just after a few visits and find a niche where they can grow and evolve. Attending any industry event allows you stay current with what’s happening on your business, so you can correct your company’s trajectory and work on how to best sell your products.
For this purpose, you need to pick the right industry event that best serves your needs. Right now, we’ve selected three exhibitions scheduled for the second half of 2016 – all located in Europe – to help guide you in the right direction.
AMB 2016: A classic exhibition hosted in Stuttgart, AMB 2016 ranks among the first five for metal-cutting technology. The biggest draw here is the sheer size – over 1,350 exhibitors and 90,000 visitors, which are healthy numbers. You’re promised a wide audience, if you look to sell everything from machine and precision tools to relevant periphery for metal machining. Design your booth and plan your presence right and you’re looking at many direct sales and future leads in markets you’ve never cracked on your own.
EUROBLECH 2016: Hannover is the home for this event’s latest iteration. With over 1500 exhibitors and close to 60,000 visitors, EUROBLECH enjoys a strong reputation as the go-to place for the sheet metal working industry. If you’re specialized in this area, you definitely should attend as the main focus this year will be intelligent processing, efficiency and full optimization. The latest innovations in tools and machines will be put on display complete with demonstrations.
PRODEX 2016: Hosted in Basel, this event is smaller in scope with 300 exhibitors, but also with over 30,000 visitors – a great ratio for exhibitioners as this means a lot less noise and more opportunities to create meaningful connections with attendees.
If one of these three options speaks to you, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’ll be more than happy to assist you in booking hotel accommodation at great rates and in strategic locations to contribute to your business trip’s success.