
Изложения в Hannover, Germany за Металообработваща промишленост

The metalworking industry in Hannover rallies around the EMO trade fair, the world’s leading event for production technology. The 2025 edition marks the fair’s 50th anniversary and there’s a lot of anticipation as industry leaders and innovators prepare for an unforgettable outing. Early registration has hit new records. Under the theme “Innovate Manufacturing,” EMO 2025 will cover the entire value chain of production technology, showcasing advancements in machine tools, manufacturing systems, precision tools, automated material flow, computer technology, industrial electronics, and other essential components. This vast scope not only cements EMO as a major catalyst for global innovation but also strengthens its reputation as a valuable interface between industry and production technology. EMO’s role as a trailblazer in the manufacturing industry is deeply rooted in its history. Launched during the challenging economic climate of 1975, EMO emerged amid high inflation, rising interest rates, and sluggish economic growth. At that time, the global machine tool industry was grappling with limited demand and economic uncertainty and the metalworking industry in Hannover was not where it is today. Yet, industry leaders remained committed to pushing forward, seeing the fair as a chance to stimulate investment in advanced manufacturing. The first EMO, held in Paris in 1975, featured exhibitors primarily from Western Europe, but also welcomed 114 manufacturers from Eastern Europe and beyond. As EMO Hannover celebrates its 50th anniversary, the fair’s focus on sustainability and digital transformation reflects the changing needs of modern manufacturing. Innovations in automation, precision tools, and digital manufacturing will take centre stage, alongside discussions on topics like AI-driven production, resource efficiency, and the future of industrial manufacturing. For half a century, EMO has not only adapted to the evolving industry landscape but has actively shaped it by connecting key players.

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