
Изложения в Nurnberg, Germany за Климатични технологии


If we’re to talk about the air conditioning industry in Nuremberg, we have to give a special mention to IFH/Intherm. The trade show is considered to be the foremost procurement platform in Europe and curates the best offerings in sanitation, heating, air conditioning and building automation. The event is the meeting ground for industry giants and emerging players to unveil the next generation of solutions, services and projects. By virtue of being so widely visited and talked about, it’s also where German companies have the best opportunities to close international deals. Having a rich history as a specialized trade fair in sanitation, home and building technology, and HVAC, IFH/Intherm has been a staple since its inception in 1976. Its biennial editions provide a conducive tempo for manufacturers to innovate, and for nearly half a century, IFH/Intherm has been the most effective procurement platform in Germany. The exhibition space is dedicated to six product branches: energy management, house and building automation, air conditioning and ventilation, sanitation, heating, and renewable energies. IFH/Intherm goes beyond static exhibits and brings life to the show floors through themed guided tours, live demonstrations, workshops and competitions. The supporting program includes interactive forums and lectures covering a broad spectrum of topics and essential knowledge. The IFH/Intherm Forum serves as the ideal space for networking and knowledge exchange as it provides ample opportunities for participants to meet and discuss issues related to digitization in the trade. For installers seeking tailored training courses with certificates, IFH/Intherm offers free courses on topics such as measuring air flow in heating systems, calculating the required amount of heat, and determining the correct size for heating systems using the HSPF method. Newcomers to the industry looking to build a successful career in the general SHK field can turn to the BAR CAMP.

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