
Изложения в Nurnberg, Germany за Керамика

The ceramics industry in Nuremberg rallies around the Stone+tec trade fair, which showcases the next generation of materials, technology, tools, and construction chemistry in the technical ceramics industry. Nuremberg doesn’t play a role in the manufacturing of technical ceramics, but exerts influence on the business side of the sector. The trade fair spans three halls and a congress area, where high-profile speakers will discuss the ins and outs of occupational safety, monument preservation, environmental protection, gravestones and design services. The scope of the trade fair remains wide and builds firm connections between stone processors, architects, planners and property developers among other industry stakeholders. The fair welcomed around 250 exhibitors in 2024 – an increase compared to its previous edition. The Stone+tec Congress has been recognized by several architects’ chambers as influential for professional development. The first two days will cater to architects, planners, building authorities and property developers, featuring lectures and discussion panels on topics such as ‘Solid building structures made from natural stone for a more sustainable future’ and ‘The hidden danger – corrosion problems on selected examples.’ The following day, the focus will shift to stonemasons and cemetery administrators with discussions centering on future trends. Futurologist Matthias Horx and psychologist Michael Lehofer will present a vision of the future for the cemetery under the theme ‘Generation Y and Z are rethinking the future.’ While technical ceramics make up a significant portion of the innovations on the exhibition floor, natural stone remains an ever-present topic. The prestigious German Natural Stone Award, which is presented every two years by the German Natural Stone Association (DNV) in collaboration with the Association of German Architects (BDA), was awarded for the 21st time at the 2024 edition. Nominated projects were exhibited at the DNV’s stand and represent the most exemplary achievements in the industry.

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