
Изложения в Jönköping, Sweden за Автомобили - Автомобилна индустрия

In the heart of Sweden’s vibrant automotive landscape, Jönköping holds its own in the country’s automotive industry. Although not the biggest production hub in Sweden, the city and municipality have still worked on a serious reputation for innovation and collaboration, further solidifying its role in the country's automotive industry. Sweden's automotive sector is a critical driver of the nation's economy, with significant contributions from automotive firms scattered across the country. The industry is a bedrock of stability, with employment figures exhibiting a consistent trajectory. This resilience is not only evident in the workforce but also in the sector's technological transformation, encompassing vehicle electrification, automation, and connected vehicles. While complete vehicles dominate the automotive landscape in Sweden, the Jönköping region is carving its niche with a focus on body and chassis, closely followed by details and materials. This specialization aligns with the evolving automotive landscape, where materials and vehicle design play a pivotal role. It’s also important to note that the majority of companies are much smaller in comparison to the biggest production regions in the county. Jönköping University (JU) stands at the forefront of this automotive innovation. Collaborating with AC Floby, a leading player in the industry, JU has launched a groundbreaking program offering practical industry experience to engineering students as they work on their final theses. This initiative cements a long-standing partnership between the two organizations. The program opens doors for master's students to work on innovative projects in the automotive sector, further enriching their educational experience. At the forefront of these innovations is the development of new, lightweight components, crucial for the vehicles of the future. Six JU students join AC Floby at its headquarters to get first-hand, practical experience. The programme involves engaging in hands-on projects related to the casting of aluminum brake discs.

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